GraceGifts – Pastor
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The Spiritual Gift of Pastor

The spiritual gift of "Pastor".
The spiritual gift of Pastor

Pastor: A Spiritual Gift Definition

The Pastor spiritual gift is both a gift and an office. However, a Pastor is God-gifted to develop relationships with others, and then assume responsibility for each member’s spiritual welfare. So, a Pastor guides, instructs, encourages, exhorts and at times disciplines Christians. To this end, Ephesians 4:11 and 12 make it clear that God calls the Pastor to equip lay people to use their spiritual gifts in ministry service. In time, a church may recognize a gifted Pastor as a leader. Then, the church will elect to promote the gifted Pastor to a church office. The Bible also refers to Pastors as “Overseer” or “Elder” overseeing the local church. Likewise, 1 Peter 5:1-11 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7 provide instructions regarding the selection, qualifications and responsibilities of an Elder/Overseer.

Administrative Pastor, Gift Expression

God calls certain personality types into administrative pastoral service. Accordingly, this pastoral category cares for people, yet are called to focus their service upon ministry systems, structures, and teams. To this end, they possess strong administrative and planning abilities. Therefore, the Administrative Pastor’s ability to plan, create ministry systems, and organize ministry teams, will enable other pastoral types to serve more effectively. Bottom line: These qualities are essential to establishing a broad-based lay-ministry culture within the local church. Finally, Administrative Pastors will naturally seek to empower others and delegate responsibility.

Discipleship Pastor, Gift Expression

The Discipleship Pastor cares for people’s spiritual development. To this end, they value working with people at every stage of spiritual development from spiritual Seeker to Leader.

Evangelism Pastor, Gift Expression

An Evangelism Pastor has the Evangelism spiritual gift as well as that of Pastor. To that end, the Evangelism Pastor is passionate about leading people to faith in Jesus Christ. Typically, the “Pastoral” giftedness and personality-type inspire them to prefer relational versus programmed approaches to Evangelism. However, a minority of Evangelism Pastors demonstrate strengths in systems development and strategic planning. These Evangelism Pastors prefer to use programmed or event-based evangelism strategies.

Nurturing Pastor, Gift Expression

Pastoral care involves nurturing and caring for the spiritually, emotionally, and physically weak within the local church. Typically, Nurturing Pastors prefer a one-on-one ministry. So, visiting the sick, shut-ins, caring for a small group, or comforting those who suffer are all classic functions of a Nurturing Pastor.

Teaching Pastor, Gift Expression

Teaching Pastors prefer to study the Word of God and expound it for others within the church. So, according to 2 Timothy 4:2 and 3, The Apostle Paul tells us that a Teaching Pastor will “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine….” Likewise, 1 Corinthians 4:6b instructs Pastoral Teachers: “Do not go beyond what is written”. Finally, James 3:1 warns all teachers: “Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly”.

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