GraceGifts – Giving
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The Spiritual Gift of Giving

The spiritual gift of "Giving".
The spiritual gift of giving

Giving: A Spiritual Gift Definition

The Giving spiritual gift is a special enablement from the Holy Spirit that permits people to give sacrificially of their finances, time and talents toward the work of God. People possessing the gift of Giving may also display the gift of Faith or Stewardship. The gift of Giving is often demonstrated through a person’s ability to give “free-will” offerings well in excess of the biblical tithe. It is not uncommon for people with the gift of Giving to testify that the more they give to God, the more God blesses them so that they are able to give again.

The Apostle Paul lists the gift of Giving among other gifts in Romans 12:8. In 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, the Apostle Paul elevates the Macedonian church to all the other churches because of the special grace God had given them to give to others out of their poverty.

The spiritual gift of Giving is generally expressed in three areas of life: Finances, Time, and Talents.

Giving of Abilities, Gift Expression

God has given all of us many skills and talents. Talents differ from spiritual gifts in that each one of us has developed our skills and talents since our childhood. If you feel led by God to serve others in this manner, please select the appropriate checkbox.

Giving of Resources, Gift Expression

Whether God has blessed you financially, or like the Macedonians, you are called to give from out of your poverty…either way, you believe God has called you to give of your financial resources for the work of ministry. If you feel led by God to serve others in this manner, please select the appropriate checkbox.

Giving of Time, Gift Expression

Time is a valuable resource and gift from God. It is often far easier to write a check to meet a need than it is to invest personal time. However, many people gifted with the gift of Giving, many believe that God has called them to invest of their time to support others. If you feel led by God to serve others in this manner, please select the appropriate checkbox.

Additional Spiritual Gifts

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