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Our new software offers extensive
reporting features and a powerful
candidate search engine.| Select to Learn More |

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Powerful Reporting + Candidate Search Features now more than ever offers extensive reporting features plus both an automated candidate search function as well as our long-established manual candidate search interface. Below you will find screenshots depicting our various software interfaces for reporting.

Mobilization Reports

The new offers powerful reporting features both in graphical bar graph form, as well as in table form. Either way, you will get the data you need to fully understand the makeup of your congregation, as well as God’s design for each individual.

Global Reports

The global reports will be found on the main page of the Administrative Dashboard. Here you will learn your unique Organizational Temperament which is the combination of all temperaments/personalities represented within your church. This unique mix reveals both organizational strengths as well as weaknesses.

Additional global reports include your discipleship mix of what percent of your congregation is presently scoring in the Discover, Develop, or Deploy spiritual maturity categories. Also, the software reports on what percent of your congregation has registered with your ministry account. It also reflects how many people have graduated from one spiritual maturity phase to another over the past year, or however many months you set the report to reveal.

Personality Reports

The unique combination of personalities that represents your church is presented within the Personality Reports portion of the administrative dashboard.

The ePersonality personality report within the software.

GraceGifts Spiritual Gift Reports

The GraceGifts Spiritual Gift Reports are also presented in both bar graph and table format to help you understand the unique mix of spiritual gifts within your church. Again, this unique mix represents both strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the ministry mobilization of your volunteers and staff.

The GraceGifts spiritual gifts report within the software.

The Leadership Style Report

The Leadership Style Report helps your church leadership understand the unique mix of your congregation’s style of influence and how that mix defines the specific leadership team roles each person would be best suited to serve within.

The Leadership Style Assessment Reports within the software.

Organic Skills Tracking Reports is unique in its ability to organically track all the skills represented within your congregation. Each person associated with a skill also has the option of creating a micro-resume to convey specific details about their skills.

Skills bar graph report within the software.

The NextSteps Discipleship Reports

Now, since January 2024, includes a new assessment program called NextSteps. This program is fully integrated with our Mobilization assessments but is designed specifically to track each person’s spiritual maturity and emotional felt needs as well as match them to equipping resources that are perfectly suited to the person’s point of need. Unfortunately, our demo database only had a few users so our graphical report is not as fleshed-out as it would be when used by your congregation.

Felt Needs bar graph report within the Nextsteps software by
Formation analysis bar graph and table report within NextSteps by
Formation progress report within NextSteps by

Candidate Search Reports offers three different ways to search for ministry candidates within your database:

  1. The People Report
  2. The Mobilization Report
  3. The Candidate Search Engine

The People Report

The People Report enables you to select an individual person and then review all their assessment results. This is beneficial when reviewing a select few individuals and you know who you are looking for. people management screen for managing people's profiles and privileges.

The Automated Mobilization Report

Initially, this report may not appear to be working. This is because it examines a candidates report results across multiple assessments to provide the most validated candidate for the selected search category. This means you must have sufficient registrants complete all the assessments before this automated reporting system begins to provide the information you require. Again, this automated reporting system will not provide all potential ministry candidates per search category, but only the most validated results based upon multiple assessment reports. The automated report categories include:

  1. Administration
  2. Content Teachers (Good for classroom instruction)
  3. Counselors
  4. Creatives
  5. Entrepreneurs
  6. Hospitality
  7. Relational Teachers (Good for small groups or child instruction)
  8. Servants
  9. System Designers
  10. Team Leaders

The report will display both a bar graph and a text link identifying the quantity of people who match the defined search. Selecting this link will take you to the People Management screen with the data predefined to display only the matching candidates.

Mobilization Reports are automated reporting service providing the most validated results across our mobilization assessments.

The Candidate Search Engine

Since the beginning of our assessment software in 2003, we have always offered a powerful Candidate Search Engine that permits church leaders to define a Candidate Profile based upon any mix of assessment profiles and/or spiritual maturity, and then receive a short-list of matching candidates. This short list of candidates empowers church leaders to be relational and pro-active in approaching potential ministry leaders for potential ministry positions, rather than react to help wanted advertisements and be forced to reject people who do not match what church leadership seeks for specific positions. The Candidate Search Engine is integrated into the People Management Report.

The Candidate Search Engine helps church leaders find the right person for any ministry opportunity.

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