![AssessME.org volunteer management logo by E-Church Essentials, LLC.](https://www.assessme.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/AssessMElogoGrey.webp)
AssessME Offers Two Incredible Programs
Select to View – Assessments for Church Volunteer ManagementOur assessment program for churches is designed to help church leaders higher the right kind of staff, and recruit the right kind of volunteers. Our program for churches offers a secure database with extensive reporting features. In addition, our software offers a Candidate Search feature which empowers church leaders to create an ideal profile for any ministry position, select “SEARCH”, and the candidates that most closely match your criteria now display. This feature revolutionizes how churches find volunteers and build ministry teams. Our program for churches is all inclusive, featuring all our assessments plus skills tracking at a low monthly rate. Click here for our introductory video.
Select to View – Assessments for IndividualsOur Self-Assess program is for individuals not associated with a church or ministry account on AssessME.org. This program offers you our most popular assessments designed to provide a very clear picture of why God made you the way He did, and how your design may point you in the direction of your life purpose. This program includes our ePersonality, GraceGifts, and Leadership Style assessments for only $19.99.
Our volunteer management assessments are designed to help churches MAKE, MATURE, & MOBILIZE disciples of Jesus Christ. Additionally, it includes a powerful database to track & report everything!
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About David A Posthuma
Designer of the AssessME Assessment Platform
![David A Posthuma, designer of the AssessME.org assessments.](https://www.assessme.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Dave2-1595x1920.jpg)
REVIEW BY DAN WEBSTER: “Dave Posthuma of E-Church Essentials, LLC (& AssessME.org) share my passion to train and inspire leaders to live authentic lives of great impact. Rarely do you meet someone as passionate about the church with the technological genius of David A. Posthuma. I love how he is helping churches by leading them into the technological future. Pay attention to what he is doing and access his outrageous resource. It will help you as you both grow and organize your church.”
Dan Webster
Authentic Leadership, Willow Creek, Crystal Cathedral
Authentic Leadership Inc.
REVIEW BY LEONARD SWEET: “Ever wonder what it was like to have been on the ground floor with Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com or Pierre Omidyar of eBay.com? Wonder no longer. Join David A Posthuma of E-Church Essentials and hold on–the future of the church is forming before your eyes and under your feet.”
Leonard Sweet
Para-Church Leader, Speaker, Author, & Seminary Professor
Assessments for Volunteer Mobilization
The ePersonality Assessment
The ePersonality assessment is our most popular tool for managing volunteers, and it’s easy to see why. Because we created it using a classic four-quadrant model, similar to Meyer-Briggs, DiSC, or Keirsey Temperament.
But here’s the big difference: our assessment is made just for Christians. Consequently this means it helps people understand why God created them the way they are. Because of this, our tool helps people find out what kind of ministry work they are meant to do.
The GraceGifts Assessment
The GraceGifts assessment is the most advanced test for finding Spiritual Gifts and managing volunteers in your church. Moreover, it’s specially designed to help you manage your volunteers better. In particular, GraceGifts is one of the tools we offer to support your ministry and get people involved.
Our default Spiritual Gifts Assessment looks at practical gifts based on personality profiles. But you can also use a bigger list of gifts at no extra cost. As a result, you get the best and most useful information for your ministry.
The Leadership Style Assessment
We created the Leadership Style Assessment to help your church build better leadership teams. In reality, this is important for managing volunteers. Because, we believe that everyone in your church was made by God to serve Him and others.
So, this assessment helps people understand their own special way of influencing others and see how their style fits with the styles of other team members. As a result, they go from just helping out to becoming active and engaged leaders. In other words, learning about your Leadership Style shows you how you fit in and help the church community.
Organic Skills Tracking
Tracking skills is very important for managing volunteers. Because, after all, we believe that God gives us everything we need to do His will, including the skills He has given us (see Exodus 31:1-3). These skills are similar to spiritual gifts but come from our natural traits, as described in the Old Testament.
That’s why it’s so important to keep track of these skills for managing volunteers. So doing helps us see all the skills God has given to our church community. These skills are not only useful but also show us how our skills fit within our God-given temperament.
NextSteps Discipleship Tracking & Equipping
AssessME.org wants every church to practice Active Discipleship. However, many churches are too big or complicated to do this well without some help. For this reason we spent fourteen years creating a software platform that makes Active Discipleship easy for any church, of any size, to use.
Consequently, our NextSteps software helps church members become followers of Jesus as well as leaders who help others. So, by joining and supporting their church’s programs, they help with the church’s mission.
NextSteps also has a special feature called the Equipping Center. It’s important to realize how it helps match each person with the right resources they need to grow in their faith. So, our software not only helps people get involved but also gives them the support they need to grow.
(NOTE: We have formed a strategic partnership with the Navigators and will soon add full integration with the Navigator’s disciple-making library into NextSteps!)
![Newly released volunteer management assessment for disciple-making and discipleship tracking, called nextSteps.](https://www.assessme.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/NewlyReleased.webp)
![Download our quick start guide to utilize our assessments for effective volunteer management.](https://www.assessme.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Quick-Start-Guide.webp)
BIG NEWS! We Launched A New Software Platform
BIG NEWS! In January 2024, after 21-years of serving churches, we launched a brand-new version of our software platform. AssessME.org now offers markedly improved reporting features, it is completely mobile friendly, and includes a new assessment for tracking discipleship! Lord willing, these updates will enable AssessME.org to help your church manage your volunteers and disciple-making for the next twenty-one years! To learn more about our new software, checkout our software interface and reports.
Also, our platform includes everything you need. in a word, this means that all assessments and skill tracking are part of your monthly subscription. In addition, you only pay based on the number of people registered with your AssessME.org account, not the total number of people in your church. So, it’s easy and affordable to get started!
![Learn about the ministry philosophy of AssessME.org.](https://www.assessme.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Ministry-Philosophy-Banner.webp)
Our Philosophy of Ministry
To learn more about how we use assessments to promote ministry, check out our Ministry Philosophy page. Altogether it explains how we use assessments to help make and guide disciples in your church.
Volunteer Management Books for Church Staff
![Active Discipleship book authored by David A Posthuma of AssessME.org, helps with the discipleship aspect of volunteer management within a church.](https://www.assessme.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/ActiveDbook.webp)
Become an Active Discipleship Church
The passive discipleship model, which many churches have used for the past 30 years, mainly focuses on Sunday morning services and small group meetings. However, this approach often leaves Christians with limited understanding and not fully ready to share their faith effectively.
On the other hand, Active Discipleship© combines clear instruction with our powerful Discipleship Tracking software. As a result, we can help make real disciple-making a reality in your church. Our approach ensures that Christians are not only knowledgeable but also prepared to actively share their faith.
![Made for a Mission book authored by David A Posthuma, published by CLC Publications. Equips church leaders for highly effective volunteer management.](https://www.assessme.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/M4Mbook.webp)
Mobilize People into Ministry!
Made for a Mission© is designed to help church leaders use our assessments effectively. All in all, this training gives you important insights that you might not discover if you use our assessments without this support. For example, it will teach you how to understand the unique data results and spot individuals who could pose risks to your ministry.
You will also learn how to identify key “red flags” that might otherwise be missed. in brief, these “red flags” could potentially harm your church and its members. So, let’s work together to create a healthy and impactful church by learning and applying these essential mobilization principles.
![eShift book authored by David A Posthuma, published by CLC Publications. Transform your church culture to become highly effective at volunteer management.](https://www.assessme.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/eshiftbook.webp)
Is Your Ministry Out of Date?
Today, many churches still use a ministry model from the early 1980s, a time when television was a big influence. Because of this, these old models are now outdated. Consequently, as Baby Boomers begin to pass away, churches need to update their approach to reflect the values of the internet age. Additionally, artificial intelligence (A.I.) will speed up this change.
eShift© helps churches adapt to the internet era and shows how to make changes before it’s too late. As a result, by understanding and adopting these new ideas, your church will stay relevant and effective in today’s and tomorrow’s fast-changing world. [SEE RECOMMENDATIONS BELOW].
What Leaders Say About eShift..
LEONARD SWEET: “I expect this book to stir controversy, but of the best sort: Eye-opening and mind-altering perspectives on what it might mean for the church to embrace the internet today as the primary delivery system for learning and faith development as our Protestant ancestors adopted the book as their primary delivery system in the Reformation Church.”
Leonard Sweet
Best-selling author
Professor (Drew University, George Fox University)
DAN WEBSTER: “The church has been choking for decades on the naive assumption that the world hasn’t changed. eShift provides the necessary Heimlich Maneuver to clear her throat so that the fresh air of life and relevance can return. If you are over 40 this writing will be a wake-up call. If you are under 25 you will shout Hallelujah that someone has finally stated things as they truly are. Either way, eShift is a gift to the church. Let’s hope it’s one that is opened and applied, not ignored.”
Dan Webster
Authentic Leadership, Willow Creek, Crystal Cathedral
Authentic Leadership Inc.
David’s Training Articles & Updates
A MODERN PARABLE: DOES YOUR DISCIPLE-MAKING MAKE THE GRADE? Imagine with me that your family moved into a new community…
Introducing a New Assessment: NextSteps Discipleship Tracking
GETTING STARTED WITH NEXTSTEPSFor many of our existing customers, and for all new customers, you will now find a new…
How the New Mobilization Report Features Work One of the fantastic additions offered by the new generation of AssessME.org, are…
HOW TO BUILD ENTREPRENEURIAL MINISTRY TEAMS How to Build Entrepreneurial Ministry Teams. Church staff regularly request our recommendations regarding which…
Organic or Not-Organic? How to Track Skills
This is a very common question. I recently received another email inquiry about this issue so I thought I would…
Scattering Gospel Seeds Along the Narrow Path
Scattering Gospel seed may be done accidentally…without planning nor intent, just responding to people as they ask us about our…